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Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2020

Robot Bores: AI-powered awkward first date

Two chatbots meet and put the world to rights online in battle to see who is most human-like.

from BBC News - Technology

Covid: What will the England lockdown achieve?

Lockdown is the measure nobody "wanted" but now many European countries have decided they "need".

from BBC News - Home

Covid-19: Austria and Portugal announce restrictions

A number of European countries are enforcing new measures as cases continue to rise.

from BBC News - Home

Oleksandr Usyk beats Derek Chisora on points in stylish display

Oleksandr Usyk earns a unanimous points win over Derek Chisora at Wembley Arena to underline his credentials at heavyweight.

from BBC News - Home

Typhoon Goni: Philippines hit by year's most powerful storm

Torrential rain and "catastrophic violent winds" are expected on the main island of Luzon on Sunday.

from BBC News - Home

Fact check: There is no Sen. Rob Donaldson, so posts of his speech about Barrett are fake

Fact check: There is no Sen. Rob Donaldson, so posts of his speech about Barrett are fakeA post on new Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett originated as a hypothetical. It took off, with many people assuming it was from a real senator.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

2020 election results: Why Americans probably won’t find out who won on 3 November

2020 election results: Why Americans probably won’t find out who won on 3 November'There is no chance that we will know on election night the full vote total in Michigan'

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Daylight-saving time ends on Sunday, November 1 — here's why we have it and why some countries and states have gotten rid of it

Daylight-saving time ends on Sunday, November 1 — here's why we have it and why some countries and states have gotten rid of itAt 2 a.m. ET on November 1, Americans will "fall back" by moving their clocks an hour earlier to end seven months of daylight-saving time.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

'They give me the willies': scientist who vacuumed murder hornets braces for fight

'They give me the willies': scientist who vacuumed murder hornets braces for fightChris Looney helped dismantle the first nest of Asian giant hornets in the US. Now he’s preparing for the next stepThe eradication of the first nest of Asian giant hornets on US soil somewhat resembled a science fiction depiction of an alien landing site. A crew of government specialists in white, astronaut-like protective suits descended upon the hornet nexus to vanquish it with a futuristic-looking vacuum cleaner, to the relief of onlookers.The nest of the fearsome invasive insects, notoriously known as “murder hornets”, was found in a tree crevice near Blaine, in Washington state, via a tracking device attached to a previously captured worker hornet. The Washington state department of agriculture (WSDA) confirmed the nest had been successfully removed, with dozens of live captives taken back for inspection.“It was cold so they were docile, so between their slowness and the protective gear no one was hurt,” said Chris Looney, a WSDA entomologist who was tasked with vacuuming up the hornets.Wielding a lengthy, toxic stinger, the hornets can cause renal failure and death in people, as dozens of people in Japan have found out to their cost. One entomologist in Canada described the feeling of being stung as like “having hot tacks pushed into my flesh”.They can also squirt venom, as Looney saw first-hand when his lab workbench was sprayed by hornets as they roused themselves following capture. “I was more worried about getting permanent nerve damage in the eye from the squirted venom than being stung,” said Looney, who wore goggles for the capture. “They are pretty intimidating, even for an inch-and-a-half insect. They are big and loud and I know it would hurt very badly if I get stung. They give me the willies.”Murder hornets do not earn their moniker from killing people, however, with honeybees far more likely to be targeted. A honeybee colony can be decimated within a few hours, with the hornets decapitating their victims and feeding severed body parts to their young. This poses a gnawing concern for hobbyist beekeepers and even farmers in the US north-west, where managed honeybees are crucial for the pollination of crops such as blueberries and raspberries.Asian giant hornets were first discovered in North America last year, popping up in British Columbia, Canada, before a handful of specimens made it south of the border to Washington state. The hornets, native to east Asia, most likely arrived on the continent clinging to imported goods sent via sea or air. A close relative of the hornet has already made separate inroads into France and the UK.A key, and unnerving, question is how far they will manage to spread across America. Looney said the removal of the first nest found in the US was just a “small victory” in a battle likely to rage for several years to contain the insects. Thousands of sightings have been reported in Washington, and while many are false or mistaken, Looney said it was likely the hornets had spread, potentially establishing dozens more nests.“It’s hard to say how they will behave here compared to their native range, but the fear is that there are large apiaries of bees that could be sitting ducks, while as the hornets move south to warmer weather their colonies could grow larger,” he said. “The object of our work is to avoid finding this out.”Scientists who have modeled the potential spread of the hornets predict they will be able to extend down the west coast into California. The Rocky Mountains and drier interior of the US pose major barriers to an eastward push but environs on the east coast such as New York would be ideal homes for the murder hornets should they inadvertently be transported there.Looney said he was “troubled” by evidence that overwintering hornet queens like to bury themselves in straw and hay, commodities that are regularly shifted around the US by train or truck. A hornet queen that hitched a ride would still face challenges establishing a nest even if moved to the east coast – it could immediately be crushed underfoot, after all – but the potential pathway is there.“I’m more worried about human transportation of these hornets than I initially was,” Looney conceded.The Asian giant hornet is just the latest invasive species to make its mark on North America. Burmese pythons are now legion in southern Florida, while Asian carp are common in the Mississippi river system. In the insect world, the spotted lanternfly is a growing agricultural pest and emerald ash borers have arrived to lay waste to stands of trees.These arrivals are symptoms of the growth in international trade and tourism, while climate change is making many parts of the US more hospitable for certain invasive species. The Asian giant hornet, for example, is thought to favor the sort of elevated temperatures that the US is experiencing as the planet heats up. This could help it spread at the rate of its cousin species in France, which has been able to advance up to 78km a year. If it is not controlled, the murder hornet could fundamentally change ecosystems across the US.Still, even in a fraught year racked by a pandemic, social unrest and economic disaster, Looney said any fears of being assailed by a murder hornet should be “low on the anxiety meter”.He added: “We should be concerned about it but we will do our best until the money runs out or the battle is won or lost. If we fail, it will be unpleasant. But there are other things to be much more worried about right now.”

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Typhoon Goni: Philippines hit by year's most powerful storm

Typhoon Goni: Philippines hit by year's most powerful stormTorrential rain and "catastrophic violent winds" are expected on the main island of Luzon on Sunday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Body-camera footage released of Wallace killing; family says officers were improperly trained

Body-camera footage released of Wallace killing; family says officers were improperly trainedThe footage from body-worn cameras that was taken as police responded to a call about Walter Wallace Jr. shows him emerging from a house with a knife as relatives shout at officers about his mental health condition, a lawyer for the man's family said Thursday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Kyle Rittenhouse extradited to Wisconsin following terse ruling from Illinois judge accusing him of asking the court to 'ignore binding Illinois law'

Kyle Rittenhouse extradited to Wisconsin following terse ruling from Illinois judge accusing him of asking the court to 'ignore binding Illinois law'Rittenhouse, charged in Wisconsin with first-degree homicide over the shooting of three people at Kenosha protests, had been fighting his extradition.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

US salutes Greece, Turkey earthquake diplomacy

US salutes Greece, Turkey earthquake diplomacyThe United States on Friday hailed diplomacy between uneasy neighbors Greece and Turkey following a major earthquake and said it was ready to assist the NATO allies.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Dozens of undelivered ballots found at Miami-Dade post office with mail backlog

Dozens of undelivered ballots found at Miami-Dade post office with mail backlogSpecial agents with the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General discovered 48 pieces of election mail sitting in a post office in South Miami-Dade County on Friday, the office announced Saturday morning. Forty-two of them were ballots that had not yet been delivered to voters, officials said, while the other six had already been filled out and were brought to the Miami-Dade supervisor of elections Friday night.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Biden Team Cancels Texas Event After Highway ‘Ambush’ by MAGA Cavalry

Biden Team Cancels Texas Event After Highway ‘Ambush’ by MAGA CavalryJoe Biden’s presidential campaign canceled a Friday event in Austin, Texas, after harassment from a pro-Trump contingent.Texas has emerged as a battleground state in Tuesday’s presidential election, with polls showing the typically Republican stronghold now only marginally favoring President Donald Trump. The Biden campaign scheduled a Friday event in the state, in a bid to drum up last-minute support. But when the Biden campaign bus drove to Austin, it was greeted by a blockade of pro-Trump demonstrators, leading to what one Texas House representative described as an escalation “well beyond safe limits.”The cancelation comes amid national anxiety about voter intimidation, a tactic the Trump campaign has implicitly endorsed.Historian Dr. Eric Cervini was driving to help with the Biden campaign stop when he filmed a line of pickup trucks along the highway, many of them flying Trump flags. The drivers were “waiting to ambush the Biden/Harris campaign bus as it traveled from San Antonio to Austin,” Cervini tweeted.“These Trump supporters, many of whom were armed, surrounded the bus on the interstate and attempted to drive it off the road,” he alleged. “They outnumbered police 50-1, and they ended up hitting a staffer’s car.”A Biden campaign staffer told The Daily Beast that Trump supporters surrounded the bus on the highway and slowed down in front of it, attempting to stop it or run it off the road. The official sent a picture taken on the bus, showing Trump trucks surrounding the front of the vehicle. Staffers on the bus called police, who helped the bus reach its destination.Video from the highway shows trucks surrounding the bus, at one point colliding with an SUV.> This is a traffic violation and attempted homicide. Why hasn’t anyone been arrested?> > — haunting student debt owners (@mcbyrne) October 31, 2020> I flew down to Texas to help with the Biden/Harris bus tour, intended to drum up enthusiasm at polling locations. Instead, I ended up spending the afternoon calling 911. 1/> > — Dr. Eric Cervini (@ericcervini) October 31, 2020Footage from a CBS affiliate in Austin shows Trump supporters with signs and bullhorns surrounding the bus when it parked, with one person screaming that Biden was a communist.Rep. Sheryl Cole, a Democrat representing nearby Pflugerville in Texas’s House, announced that a Biden event in her city had been canceled due to the harassment.“This is a 1st for me - but we just cancelled a joint event in Pflugerville w/ @JoeBiden campaign,@AustinYoungDems, & more, due to security reasons,” she tweeted. “Unfortunately, Pro-Trump Protestors have escalated well beyond safe limits. Sorry to all who looked forward to this fun event.”The Biden campaign’s Texas communications director, Tariq Thowfeek, said holding the event would have placed Biden staffers and supporters at risk. “Rather than engage in productive conversation about the drastically different visions that Joe Biden and Donald Trump have for our country, Trump supporters in Texas today instead decided to put our staff, surrogates, supporters, and others in harm’s way,” Thowfeek told The Daily Beat.“Our supporters will continue to organize their communities for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats up and down the ballot, and to the Texans who disrupted our events today: We’ll see you on November 3rd.”The Trump campaign—and often Trump himself—has encouraged in-person conflict around the polls. Trump used the first presidential debate to urge supporters to act as “poll watchers,” a call that sparked concerns of voter intimidation. His son, Donald Trump Jr., made an explicit call-out regarding the Biden campaign’s Texas outreach efforts.In a video ahead of a Friday event by Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, Trump Jr. encouraged his father’s supporters to show up at Harris’s event.Trump’s Crew of Far-Right Vigilante Poll Watchers Is Coming“Hey Laredo, Don Jr. here,” he said. “I heard you had an awesome turnout for the Trump Train. It’d be great if you guys would all get together, head down to McAllen and give Kamala Harris a nice Trump Train welcome. Get out there, have some fun, enjoy it. Don’t forget to vote and bring all of your friends. Let’s show them how strong Texas still is as Trump country. Get out there, guys.”Some Trump supporters appeared to heed the call. At least one Facebook event with more than 700 responses, viewed by The Daily Beast, encouraged Trump fans to attend a Harris event in Fort Worth, Texas on Friday and “give Kamala Harris a big Texas welcome..... TRUMP STYLE!” The event was listed as canceled ahead of time, although its organizers acknowledged that some people might still try to attend, “and that's your right.”Trump supporters have previously been accused of intimidation this election. In Beverly Hills, California this week, an Australian television personality filmed participants at a pro-Trump rally shouting at her and threatening her in her car. A man brandishing a Trump flag at her appeared to photograph her and take down her license plate number.“We’ve got you now,” the man shouted. “You’re going to vote for Trump whether you like it or not, you’ve got no choice.”When Biden spoke at a Minnesota event on Friday, the same day as his campaign was ambushed in Austin, Trump supporters in a caravan of vehicles reportedly surrounded the venue honking their horns and chanting.During early voting in the swing state of Virginia late last month, a caravan of Trump supporters drove to the Democratic-leaning Fairfax County and surrounded people in an early voting line, shouting at them on loudspeakers“We had a couple poll observers there that had to actually escort voters in because we saw people that would get to the edge of the parking lot, and see this giant group of Trumpers yelling and screaming,” the executive director of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee told The Daily Beast at the time.‘Daily Show’s’ Jordan Klepper Hits One Last ‘Eerily Quiet’ Trump RallyRead more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Orthodox priest in 'critical condition' after shooting in Lyon, France

Orthodox priest in 'critical condition' after shooting in Lyon, FranceFrench police locked down parts of Lyon on Saturday as they searched for gunmen who shot an Orthadox priest with a sorn-off shotgun before fleeing. The priest, who has Greek nationality, was closing his church when the attack happened and is now in a serious condition. The interior ministry warned people to "avoid the area" where the attack took place. A police source said the priest was of Greek nationality, and had been able to tell emergency services as they arrived that he had not recognised his assailant. The motivation for the attack was not known last night, but the shooting came in the wake of several grisly Islamist attacks on French soil and a growing tension between France and the Muslim world. Emmanuel Macron, the French president, lashed out at Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, slamming Turkey's "bellicose" stance towards Nato allies. Mr Macron said that France's wish was now that things "calm down" but for this to happen, it is essential that the "Turkish president respects France, respects the European Union, respects its values, does not tell lies and does not utter insults," Macron said.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Stanford Study Seeks to Quantify Infections Stemming From Trump Rallies


Senator Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, facing opponents from both parties, embraces Trumpism.


Police in North Carolina use a chemical spray to disperse a get-out-the-vote rally.


Jumat, 30 Oktober 2020

How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge

How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy delugeA 64-page document that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump appears to be the work of a fake "intelligence firm."

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Popular Thai pro-democracy figure charged over flash mob rally

Popular Thai pro-democracy figure charged over flash mob rallyOne of Thailand’s most popular anti-establishment politicians has been charged for his role in an illegal flash mob protest last year, in a move that is likely to fuel the current wave of pro-democracy protests. Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, 41, a charismatic billionaire and founder of the dissolved Future Forward party, is accused of five public assembly violations linked to the rally in Bangkok's central shopping district last December, Krisadung Nutcharat, his lawyer, said on Thursday. The charges include failing to notify police of a public gathering, blocking a sky train station, using a megaphone without permission and holding a rally close to a royal residence. Four other people from his Progressive Movement Group and Move Forward Party face similar charges. All five deny any wrongdoing. Mr Thanathorn has been an outspoken advocate of the protest movement that has gripped the Thai capital, Bangkok, since June, and he recently condemned a short-lived emergency order aimed at keeping demonstrators off the streets. During last year’s elections, he and his pro-democracy Future Forward Party, proved to be enormously popular with young, first-time voters, and garnered the third-largest share of seats.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Republican Sen. Mike Lee said fact-checking labels placed by social media companies are a form of censorship

Republican Sen. Mike Lee said fact-checking labels placed by social media companies are a form of censorshipThe comment was made in a Senate hearing where Republicans said Twitter, Facebook, and Google discriminate against conservatives on their platforms.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Kyle Rittenhouse extradited to Wisconsin following terse ruling from Illinois judge accusing him of asking the court to 'ignore binding Illinois law'

Kyle Rittenhouse extradited to Wisconsin following terse ruling from Illinois judge accusing him of asking the court to 'ignore binding Illinois law'Rittenhouse, charged in Wisconsin with first-degree homicide over the shooting of three people at Kenosha protests, had been fighting his extradition.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Supreme Court issues flurry of last-minute election orders

Supreme Court issues flurry of last-minute election ordersWisconsin, no. That’s how the Supreme Court has answered questions in recent days about an extended timeline for receiving and counting ballots in those states. At first blush, the difference in the outcomes at the Supreme Court seems odd because the high court typically takes up issues to harmonize the rules across the country. A big asterisk: These cases are being dealt with on an emergency basis in which the court issues orders that either block or keep in place a lower-court ruling.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Trump counting on final get-out-the-vote push to fuel narrow path to victory - CNN

What to watch today: Stocks set to fall after Dow breaks 4-day losing streak - CNBC

A judge orders the Postal Service to take ‘extraordinary measures’ to deliver ballots on time in 22 districts.


N.E.H. Funds Restoration of Statues Toppled During Protests

By Unknown Author from NYT Arts

Trump, in Minnesota, lashes out at Democrats for limiting crowd sizes.


Nursing Homes, Racked by the Virus, Face a New Crisis: Isolation


Voters suing Minnesota over a mask mandate are asking the Supreme Court to intervene.


Time Running Short, Trump and Biden Return to Northern Battlegrounds


Woman Who Mailed Threat to Susan Collins Gets 30 Months in Prison


Kamis, 29 Oktober 2020

SpaceX delayed its NASA astronaut launch because a red 'nail polish' material was plugging part of its rocket engines

SpaceX delayed its NASA astronaut launch because a red 'nail polish' material was plugging part of its rocket enginesSpaceX's Crew-1 launch is now set for November 14 after the company checked tiny holes in its rocket engines for bright-red lacquer.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

21 dead, dozens missing in Vietnam after typhoon brings destruction

21 dead, dozens missing in Vietnam after typhoon brings destructionTwenty-one people have been killed and dozens more were feared dead on Thursday after a typhoon tore through central Vietnam, triggering landslides and causing some of the worst destruction seen in years.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Citing a burden on minority voters, US judge overrules Texas governor's exemption for masks at polls

Citing a burden on minority voters, US judge overrules Texas governor's exemption for masks at pollsThe judge said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's exemption for masks at polling sites put a "discriminatory burden on Black and Latino voters.”

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Joe Biden's biggest problem is that there is no vaccine for Trumpism

Joe Biden's biggest problem is that there is no vaccine for TrumpismBiden's presidency won't suddenly cure COVID because Trump has helped to create a whole culture of resistance to COVID-19 regulations.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Lawyer for China exec accuses RCMP of lying about her arrest

Lawyer for China exec accuses RCMP of lying about her arrestA lawyer for a senior executive of Chinese tech giant Huawei on Wednesday accused a Canadian police officer of lying about why he didn’t arrest her immediately at Vancouver’s airport two years ago. Richard Peck told Constable Winston Yep during cross-examination that he did not believe Yep was honest when he told the British Columbia Supreme Court this week why the arrest happened only after Canada Border Services Agency officers questioned Meng for three hours. Yep is the first in a series of witnesses called to testify at the request of lawyers for Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, who is fighting extradition to the U.S. to face fraud charges.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Big Tech stocks surge ahead of earnings tsunami - Reuters

Big Tech stocks surge ahead of earnings tsunami  ReutersView Full Coverage on Google News

from Top stories - Google News

Biden campaign pushes drop boxes in new ads with the slogan ‘Silence him.’


Covid: What impact has the furlough scheme had?

As the furlough scheme draws to a close, how much did it cost and did it achieve its aims?

from BBC News - Business

Furlough: ‘In limbo’ or ‘one long garden party'?

Furlough was a welcome holiday for some but for others it was a long and anxious waiting game.

from BBC News - Business

Job Support Scheme: How do new post-furlough changes work?

The government has expanded its Job Support Scheme, which replaces furlough from November.

from BBC News - Business

‘It’s all about survival now'

How are Tottenham residents coping after the area had one of the highest furlough rates in London?

from BBC News - Business

How do I find a new job during Covid and which sectors are hiring?

Jobseekers are having a tough time at the moment, but support is available.

from BBC News - Business

CEO Secrets: The aviation workers starting new businesses

We hear from three people who have started their own companies during the downturn in aviation.

from BBC News - Business

Getting too many texts? Blame the election

Every election campaign uses more sophisticated tech, but the text message still cuts through.

from BBC News - Technology

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2020

Charlie Hebdo, whose cartoons sparked terror attacks in France, published a cutting caricature of Turkish President Erdogan amid his feud with Macron

Charlie Hebdo, whose cartoons sparked terror attacks in France, published a cutting caricature of Turkish President Erdogan amid his feud with MacronPresident Recep Tayyip Erdogan said French President Emmanuel Macron needed mental treatment after criticizing Islam and proposing regulations on it.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Belarus leader seeks to punish striking workers, students

Belarus leader seeks to punish striking workers, studentsBelarus President Alexander Lukashenko urged authorities Tuesday to take action against plant workers and students who participate in a strike called by the opposition as the authoritarian leader made another attempt to halt protests of his reelection. University students left classes to march in rallies and some factory employees went on strike Monday after Lukashenko ignored an opposition demand to resign following the balloting that was widely viewed as rigged. Nearly 600 people were detained in the capital of Minsk and other cities.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

U.S. group urges Biden to use financial regulation to control climate change

U.S. group urges Biden to use financial regulation to control climate changeA climate advocacy group comprised of high-profile backers of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Tuesday urged the former vice president to consider using U.S. financial regulation as a tool to fight global warming if he is elected. Evergreen Action, a group of former staffers of Washington Governor Jay Inslee and Senator Elizabeth Warren who have advised the Biden campaign on a range of issues, handed the campaign a policy memo detailing how he could use the U.S. financial system to counter climate change within his first 100 days in office if he defeats Republican President Donald Trump.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

GOP files second lawsuit to block Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot deadline extension

GOP files second lawsuit to block Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot deadline extensionState officials expect the election results to be challenged in court; Bryan Llenas reports.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Pfizer's CEO repeatedly talked up getting coronavirus vaccine data in October. Now, he's asking for patience.

Pfizer's CEO repeatedly talked up getting coronavirus vaccine data in October. Now, he's asking for patience.The pharmaceutical giant has yet to start analyzing data from its final clinical trial, effectively closing the door on having results this month.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


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